Life insurance is something many people with families worry about, especially when there are so many different types and rates out there. An individual life insurance rate is supposed to be determined by how healthy the buyer is. This can include uncontrollable factors like family history, but it also takes into account age, the results of a medical test, and some information about personal lifestyle. While most life insurance companies ask obvious questions like whether you smoke cigarettes, at Health IQ we take personal lifestyle into account in a big way. We believe that those who can prove they have a healthy diet and/or who exercise regularly deserve cheaper rates for making positive choices. We use a quiz-based metric to determine whether a person really does have a healthy diet or practice regularly as an athlete, and we find carriers who take these critical factors into account. Athletes and healthy eaters often don’t get enough credit for these decisions, and here are 5 ways that can happen:

Strength Training

Strength trainers, you’re getting stiffed on your life insurance because most life insurance companies measure your health based on BMI. Despite BMI being a population-wide metric, it’s often used in life insurance assessments of individuals. This can put strength trainers at a disadvantage even though they are more healthy than average person. If you are a strength trainer, you could benefit from a company like Health IQ who knows that your BMI score isn’t a great indication of your overall health. Health IQ uses waist-to-hip ratio—a more accurate measure of individual weight management health—to reward those who watch their waistlines but don’t compromise on building muscle.


Endurance athletes

If you’re an endurance athlete you know how hard you work your heart on a regular basis. Your heart adjusts to all this training by growing physically larger and changing shape. But life insurance medical exams might bonk your heart’s relative size and strength for looking “enlarged”—a serious medical problem—when it’s really an example of the medical phenomenon of “athlete’s heart.” Life insurance companies can’t tell from a medical screening whether you have an unhealthy enlarged heart or an athlete’s heart, so purchasing through a company specializing in insurance for athletes is the easiest way to get a good rate. Health IQ has worked with the top life insurance carriers in the United States to turn what used to be a negative into a savings for your hard work.


Ethical Eaters

Ethical eaters like vegetarians and vegans can be motivated by many reasons, but all enjoy the health benefits of their lifestyle choices. But life insurance companies fail to take into account the longer lifespans of vegetarians/vegans in their assessments. This is partly because of the inability of such companies to accurately measure whether someone’s diet really is measuring up to what they say they do, but that’s where Health IQ comes in. By using quizzes based on implementable knowledge only those with a healthy diet would run into, the company assesses those who are healthy eaters and links them with the best possible rates on life insurance.


Smart Eaters

Eating smart has been shown in studies to help manage pre-diabetes and other metabolic illnesses before they become serious. If you are knowledgeable about healthy eating and implement it in your daily life, you should get a cheaper life insurance rate. Those who lower their triglycerides, lower bodily inflammation, and improve heart health through low-carb diet are also proven to live longer. Health IQ’s quizzes are a great way to test your dietary knowledge—especially implementable knowledge only those who actually do cut carbs would know—to prove your responsible choices should score you the cheapest possible quote.


Health Smart

For people with a family history of cancer, life insurance can seem like it’s bound to be expensive. However, regular screenings for high-risk people can lower incidences of many types of cancer. For example, there is proof that breast cancer and colon cancer screenings save lives for those at high risk. Proving one’s health screening knowledge through Health IQ quizzes can allow responsible worries about health to receive the cheapest possible rate on life insurance. If someone who knows they are genetically predisposed to cancer and responds by responsibly getting screened on a regular basis, don’t they deserve the same rate as someone who never goes to the doctor?

Proving one’s health screening knowledge through Health IQ quizzes can allow the worried well to save money on life insurance. If someone knows they are genetically predisposed to cancer and responds by getting screened on a regular basis, don’t they deserve a better rate than somebody who does not take precautions?