There are several important dimensions to health and wellbeing. Physical, emotional, social, intellectual and spiritual wellbeing are all important aspects of a healthy lifestyle. And finding inspiration can make the journey so much easier.

One way to get an extra dose of motivation is through podcasts. A podcast is an online audio show—similar to radio—that’s available at all times. There’s a host, and that host often interviews guests or has conversations about a particular topic. You can listen to a podcast as soon as it’s available, or you can listen to it years later. Podcasts can add variety to your day to day life without sacrificing your time. Whatever dimension of health you need some guidance on, we’ve got you covered. Here are our top five picks:

Physical Wellbeing

Exercise is just one aspect of physical wellbeing, but it’s the cornerstone of health because it can impact our physical health in many ways, as well as as well as our emotional and mental wellbeing. Senior Fitness WIth Meredith focuses on fitness after age 60. Her topics are geared toward realistic expectations. She focuses on the positive benefits of aging. Bringing together the wisdom of age and the benefits of fitness make Senior Fitness With Meredith a great choice for anyone looking for extra inspiration.

Emotional Wellbeing

Emotional wellbeing can come from spending quality time with the people we love, our hobbies, and self-care. Gardening is one of the best ways to boost emotional health. Spending time in the sun, treating ourselves to fresh produce, and finding ways to exercise without even thinking about it are just a few of the benefits. The Joe Gardener Show can take your garden to the next level. Joe offers practical tips, especially for growing organic food.

Social Wellbeing

Maintaining social ties becomes especially important after age 60. Having more time to spend with family can be one of the biggest perks of aging. The Grand Life: Wholehearted Grandparenting is a podcast dedicated to exploring the grandparent-grandchild relationship and talking through the best ways to strengthen this bond.

Intellectual Wellbeing

Intellectual wellbeing becomes even more important with age. Studies show staying engaged in mentally stimulating activities in the later in life leads to reduced risk of dementia. One of the most engaging activities you can take part in is language learning. Podcasts provide a great platform to help with that process.

The Pod101 series by Innovative Language is a series of episodes that help you practice a new language. To use Pod101, pick a language you’ve always wanted to learn and practice at any level. They offer dozens of world languages. Fun conversational topics keep you engaged as you learn more, and you can track your progress easily. Anyone planning to enjoy some world travel in their retirement years can benefit from this amazing series.

Spiritual Wellbeing

After age 60, spiritual wellbeing can become one of the most important dimensions of health. We live in a world that often casts aging in a negative light, but it doesn’t have to be that way. The Fearless Aging podcast tackles aging in a series of thought-provoking conversations. 

Finding a healthy balance of our physical, emotional, social, intellectual, and spiritual wellbeing can make health after 60 a wonderful journey. These podcasts can add entertainment and inspiration along the way.