Car Safety Features: The Top 10 Best New Features for Older Adults
Newer cars have many new features that make driving and parking easier for people of all ages. Staying up-to-date on some of these changes to vehicles can keep you safe on the road, limit the amount you have to spend on car repairs in the event of an accident, and in some cases offer cheaper auto insurance.

Lower Car Insurance Costs: Eight Tips for Drivers Ages 60+
Even if you don’t have any accidents or moving violations your auto insurance rates will likely begin to creep up after your 60th birthday. This is because older adults are more likely than middle-aged ones to be involved in traffic accidents. The good news is that there are lots of steps you can take to make sure you are getting the best possible rates on your car insurance.

Car Insurance Glossary: Vocabulary Terms to Help You Get a Deal
Getting the best deal on the car insurance you need starts with getting familiar with the many terms used to describe available policies. Understanding the lingo can also help you better compare policies to make sure you are getting the coverage you need.

Car Insurance Discount For Taking A Driving Class—for Ages 55+
Auto insurance companies sometimes charge people more as they age due to statistics indicating a higher likelihood of accidents in the age group over 55. However, to offset that this can be unfair to a responsible adult over 55 who is looking for affordable insurance, many states offer driving classes that can be completed for a certificate.
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