Medicare AEP: Everything You Need To Know About the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period
There are a number of important decisions to make and considerations to take into account during this time when weighing possible coverage options, so it can get a bit confusing. Here is our guide to the most important decisions to make during the AEP and how to navigate them.

What Do I Need to Know About Medicare? Medicare Myths and Facts
Medicare is a complicated and important program currently serving over 50 million Americans 65 years of age or older. Unfortunately, misconceptions about Medicare are common and can lead to confusion, disappointment and poor decisions. Below we bust 5 of the most common Medicare myths to make sure you get the best possible care to live your healthiest life.

Which Medicare Supplement Plan Do I Want? Pros and Cons of Medicare Supplement Insurance Options
Once you have decided that Medicare Supplement Insurance is the right choice for you, it’s time to dive into the alphabet soup of plan options. Every plan option is known by a letter—such as Plan A or Plan G—and each one offers different benefits. The plan you choose will depend on your lifestyle, preferences, the benefits that are most important to you and your budget. Read on to get a better understanding of the individual plans and how the right plan can help meet your needs.

Medicare Home Health Care: What is Types of Home Health Care Are Covered?
Home health care services must be ordered by your doctor and are only covered by Medicare under certain conditions. Read on to find out how home health services are covered and to make the most of your benefits.

Medicare Age Impact: How Does my Age Affect My Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan?
Choosing to purchase a Medicare Supplement Insurance policy can be a sound financial decision. These policies could help protect you from large medical bills that Original Medicare doesn’t cover, as well as help stabilize your monthly healthcare spending. Since you are more likely to require greater amounts of healthcare as you age, generally speaking the older you are the more you will pay for a particular policy. Fortunately, no matter what your age is there are strategies you can use to get a good rate for the policy of your choice.
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